Sunday, December 20, 2015


Mysterious megalithic ruins cover the planet. Any place the harbors humans, also harbors remnants of these forgotten worlds. In a time before man existed these incredible monuments were already old. But today archaeologist assure us     
that these places have no connection. They were separated by time and space, by language and culture and therefore have nothing in common.  pffff I propose a different idea. How about for just once we let the evidence dictate the answer? see where that takes us? I mean it couldn't hurt so who's with me? alright well then fire up your philosophers joint and let's consider the connections.                                                                

 The fortress of Saqsaywaman 
 is one of the most imposing sights one can behold. Gigantic boulders of limestone weighing hundreds of tons stacked in a polygonal designed. It would have been one of the most impenetrable fortress walls ever constructed. If it were actually a fortress that is.

 now you tell me do those people look like they would be safe from attack? The only thing those rocks are protecting is the dirt behind them.


 Which brings me to my next point. Does anyone know what's behind the giant walls? just a filler of dirt and rocks that's all. And now comes the fascinating part. The filler behind the walls is exactly that. filler. its whatever trash in scrap material that's left over they could find to just throw in there. however when you go through it you find perfectly squared and rectangular blocks of andesite? All the time and energy spent into making one of those blocks just to use as back filler? Of course not. You'd have to be an idiot to believe that. So with the evidence at hand there can be only one conclusion. The blocks are from an earlier construction that was already in disregard.

 So the higher quality stone masonry comes from earlier times.
Now transporting heavy megalithic stones is one thing. But cutting them is a whole other. How where they able to do it?

Why do some of the stones look soft like they were melted? Archaeologists claim it's nothing more than simple chipping away to perfection. well I hate to be the bearer of bad news but just because it's the simplest answer your able to accept. Doesn't make it correct It just makes it easy to believe. I prefer evidence not assumptions. And in this case we have the evidence.
 This piece was found in 2008 It was buried. Sealed underground protected from the elements and damage. And shows clear evidence of our suspicions all along. The only way we could replicate that exact look is running a hot spear tip through some malleable material.                
 Even if you wanted to believe that the artist carved this out too look like this on purpose? :-)You would in fact be wrong.
 Because it is actually impossible to do so.

Now let's take a look at Petra. and let's see how many similarities we can find between Peru and Jordan.


they both use the andean cross ? 



 It goes on and on. So join me next time when we look at another site that's connected to these two. the imposing megaliths of BAALBEK , LEBANON

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Thursday, December 3, 2015

The NSA spies on 90% of America to "protect" us from terrorist so why the FUCK couldn't they stop the San Bernardino mass shooting!!

The NSA has a bigger budget then you can begin to imagine. It has more money then some smaller counties and it is spent on the most powerful data collecting cell phone hacking equipment money can buy. And what is that equipment used for?  To fucking spy on us! 90% of Americans are under surveillance right now as i sit here and type this. But they believe it to be necessary. In order to protect us from deadly terrorist attacks. but apparently the amazing equipment we pay for only works on specific types of terrorist. for some reason they are unable to spy on domestic terrorist or any members of Isis .these two types of terrorist are immune to the NSA spying abilities for some reason. What the fuck is going on? We pay for that equipment we pay their salaries we let them get away with spying on Americans to offer us security and what do we get?the San Bernardino mass shooting.
14 people dead 21 people wounded at a Christmas party at a care facility for disabled people! Can it get any worse? And these two sons of bitches  didn't just snap. They've been planning this for a while
 they were red flagged and were on a no fly list. Yet somehow were able to buy 4 assault rifles 1900 rounds of ammunition and bomb making components. But for some fucking reason the NSA feels that it's more important to read your moms facebook ! or collect the pictures off of your cell phone and your browsing history! god damn it! what the fuck is wrong with this picture people? How about the NSA take some of their 40 billion dollar budget and pay for the victims funerals and reimburse their familie s for the loss of their loved ones. Because it was their job to protect us from this exact same thing and they have failed time and time again.
I want these MOTHER FUCKERS INDICTED!  and brought up on charges of gross negligence!
then maybe next time they do their FUCKING JOB!
 since these guys don't know how to use their spy equipment properly I think we should just start using it ourselves . below is a list of devices from the ant division of the NSA spying network all of these are available for sale  have fun and stay safe.    P.S.  FUCK THE N.S.A.!