there are so many mysteries when it comes to ancient egypt that it boggles the mind to the the point of collapse. But luckily we have eygptoligist to give us some answers. And
that's the problem. Their willing to give us answers and explanations. But if you present a valid point that challenges that explanation your looked at like some esoteric nut case. which is fine if your answers can be defended. but if not shouldn't they be reconsidered?
So let us examine some of these answers and pose the questions that haven't been asked.
They claim the great pyramid is a tomb because it looks like a sarcophagus in the center chamber of the great
pyramid. so what happened to the pharaoh? they say it was robbed by tomb raiders. but how do they know this? well around the year 815 A.D. Al-mamun and his army spent half a year trying to break in and when they finally succeeded
they were amazed to find they spent all that time for nothing. it was completely empty.
Al-mumun was forced to hide his own gold in there so his men could find it and hopefully spare his life. what do the eygptoligist say ? the pyramids have been broken into before. several different time's. now let me pose the question that's not being asked. why would anybody who's breaking into to steal its gold and apparently a dead body why would they seal it back up when they were done? that's like a burglar breaking into your house through the wall
grabs your jewelry and flat screen and on the way out says "you know what? let me
fix this hole in the wall, i don't want to be rude" how can you possibly believe such a ridiculous answer? because they said so? not because there is any kind of proof (because there isn't) but because the subsequent questions were never asked because the original answer was based on a logic of simplicity. i'll write down everything you need to to know to be an eygpoligist. tomb, temple,religion,manpower. congratulations your an eygptoligist! now that you have all the answers feel free to apply them to any question asked and send me the 30,000 dollars it would have costed you to learn that in college. this is what it's like and and ignoring it doesn't change the fact. it just prevents us from actually
understanding. lets look at the supposed sarcophagus. so they claim the tomb raiders took
the body and all the gold from the chamber. and the evidence is plain as day. the corner of the coffer has a broken chunk missing out of .
well lets ask the question that is not being asked.
why did they steel the lid ? why would they continue to chip away at that corner if they were able to move the lid and carry it away ? and why would the pharaoh not need the magic spells all other tombs and sarcophagus have inscribed in order to ensure the safe passage into the next world? if it cant be answered by simple
means then they simply don't give an answer.:-)
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